Monthly Archive: January, 2013

Kid has it Easy

Peyton. I have to admit, this whole new baby thing has not been as traumatic as I was anticipating. I still have Nonnie wrapped around my finger and the recent addition of “rain,… Continue reading

The BIG big sister

Annie Grace. You’ve probably heard by now that I have recently become a bigger big sister. As usual, I am taking the role in stride and have even come up with a golden… Continue reading

One week

Beckett. One week old and I have been to Opelousas and back and on a field trip to Leonville to get a king cake. Something tells me these are not rare occurrences with… Continue reading

Holy Moly

Beckett. I have no words. What the hell just happened?!

Sister Projects

Annie Grace. Peyton is finally getting with the program around here. She can pull her own chair up to the project spot and even discovered some drawers filled with fun things like permanent… Continue reading